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When the Jupiter Farms sanctuary was received by the Koginka Sewaluna Foundation in 2016, it already had wild bees living on it.  We simply made sure we would not disturb their living and decided to provide them with housing. We promised their safe-keeping.  Since then we have developed a beautiful relationship with them and only harvest honey when they have enough to share.  We see the danger and the struggle of survival that this important species goes through especially with the increase of fumigations, pesticides, and even electromagnetic fields that disrupt their capacity to function and disorients them.  We make it a priority to grant them the respect they deserve and make sure we stay in balanced reciprocity with what we receive from them.  We never take their honey supply unless we see they clearly can spare some.


















Did you know that 1 bee produces less than a gram of honey in its lifetime?

That most worker bees only live for around six weeks in the summer and they can only go and forage for nectar on days when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit?  Is it not incredible that a group of about 12 bees, in their lifetime, will only produce a teaspoon of honey between them? Can you imagine how many bees it takes to make you a jar of honey?


Bees use their honey as an energy source for the hive and depending on the weather, a hive might use over 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of honey over a single winter.


* We sell only raw and unfiltered honey, that has never been pasteurized and has only had wax and other large particles removed before bottling. This ensures all the nutrients found naturally in raw honey, including vitamins, minerals, pollen, enzymes, and antioxidants are kept intact.





Our store is mainly a online store shipping out of Florida, USA




Hours of Operation:


MON - FRI:  9 am - 5pm eastern time

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